Technology Archives

Despite the theme of my novel, today I find nothing amusing about date-and-time-related software errors

I’d love to post something about the series finale of The Wire, but I can’t, because I haven’t seen it yet. Why? Because someone at Time Warner Cable thought a swell way to handle Daylight Saving Time would be to shift the times of all the shows an hour ahead. Meaning that although I programmed my DVR on Friday to record The Wire on Sunday, it started recording at 10:00, which by that time was actually 10:00.

Thank you, Time Warner Cable!

Podcast Interview on Six Apart’s Blogs @ Work

The audio of an interview with me is now available on Six Apart’s site. 6A makes Movable Type, the software I’ve been working with in my freelance coding life for the past several years, and for which I’ve written a number of plugins. The interview touches on not only The End as I Know It and Y2K but my MT work and blogging in general.

Thanks to Jesse Thorn (of The Sound of Young America renown) for conducting the interview, and Harold Check at 6A for getting it produced.

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